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WinAppDriver: First step into Windows app Test automation using WebdriverIO and WinAppDriver.
Boiler Plate Code:
Read the theory:
Let us start by understanding how easy is device Automation:
let's see what is automation is all about
Old implementation:
So previously there were no standards on device or web automation. Each device vendor releases a utility or tool called a driver that knows how to automate their product.
so for example for automating the windows app we have WinAppDriver, for automating chrome we have Chromedriver and so on. These tools have all implementations, code logic etc on how to automate their product (Yes you are right everything is already done for you)
Now they expose these implementations through rest API, rest APIs are nothing but an abstract public method that listens to HTTP calls and triggers the actual code logic under the hood when the user calls that rest endpoint. It just hides all the internal complex implementation so that users don't get scared.
an example API: